Compare Flights - Flight deals & discounts

Why compare?

We feel confident that as a student, you'll find great flight deals when booking with StudentUniverse. But we want you to feel that confidence too. To simplify matters, we've crafted this tool to enable you to compare flight deals across multiple websites. Simply input your desired trip and choose which websites to compare on. Your bank balance will thank you and us, too.

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Finished comparing? Search and book your flight with our student flight deals now that you know we’ve got those great prices.

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Why shop with StudentUniverse

Exclusive flight discounts

We negotiate directly with airlines to get under 30's exclusive & discounts

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Travel resources to help make the most of your next adventure

Things to do around the world on a student budget
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Everything to know about work abroad in Australia
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Ways to be a more eco-friendly traveller
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Frequently asked questions about booking flights

How do I compare flight prices?

When you're looking for the cheapest flight, it's a smart move to compare prices before you book. And you can easily do that right here on StudentUniverse. Just go to the top of this page, type in where you want to go, pick the sites you want to compare prices on, and get comparing. You'll see all the different prices available online, letting you have peace of mind when you book that you got the best offer. Another trick to compare prices is to use flexible dates. When you search with us, just select that your dates are flexible to see prices within a few days of what you selected. Sometimes, flying a day earlier or later can save you loads!

Should I wait to book my flight?

Whether you should hold off on booking your flight depends on the proximity of your intended journey. Typically, the optimal booking period varies between short haul and long haul travel, with domestic flights and shorter trips ideally booked between 1-3 months prior to departure, and international and long haul flights securing the best fares usually 2 to 8 months in advance. If you’ve missed that timeframe, keep on the lookout for occasional promo code sale, which can help lower costs. The best way to book a cheap flight is to be organized and monitor airline ticket prices in advance so you can book when you see them dip to a great price.

How does StudentUniverse work?

At its core, StudentUniverse works by negotiating great deals for students and young adults with the airlines. We feel that travel opportunities are life changing, educational opportunities and so should be accessible to everyone on any budget. You can find a more detailed explanation on the inner workings of us here. If you’re a current student, you’ll definitely want to get your account verified as such so that you can see or most exclusive rates. If not, that’s okay! Everyone can book a trip with us, including accessing our promo code sales. So just search that trip and get flying.

How can I find the cheapest flight using StudentUniverse?

Wherever your destination may be, discounted travel deals await you. First, if applicable, make sure you’ve verified your student status on your account so that you unlock the most exclusive offers. If you have flexibility, we suggest you utilise our flexible search tool to see price variances nearby your selected travel dates, as sometimes departing just a day or two earlier or later can yield significant savings. Additionally, bear in mind that larger airports often offer lower prices, so it's worthwhile to explore all your airport options to secure the best deal. Lastly, consider subscribing to our newsletter or downloading our app to stay abreast of our latest sales and deals.

Is StudentUniverse just for students?

StudentUniverse is for everyone from students and young adults, to parents, professors, and really, truly, anybody. We don’t have any restrictions on who can book a trip with us - so long as you’re old enough to purchase a flight (or hotel), then you’re capable of booking. Our name simply reflects our founding which was in specializing in student discount rates. Thus, you’ll still see that our most exclusive rates are only visible and available to verified student members.

Is StudentUniverse legit?

Absolutely, StudentUniverse is legit. Established in 2000, we have facilitated millions of bookings, helping our customers save big. Should you want to hear from someone other than us on this, take a peek at some reviews from verified customers sharing their experiences booking with StudentUniverse.

How does StudentUniverse find such low flight prices?

At StudentUniverse, our commitment to securing low flight prices stems from dedicated negotiations with airlines to lower the costs of travel for our customers. We believe that travel should be affordable to all, no matter the budget. Whether it's flights or hotels, our team works hard to maintain the most competitive prices possible, ensuring accessibility to travel for everyone.