Cheap student flights
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UK Flights
You don’t need to be flying far to get a student discount on flights: we offer loads of discounts and deals on flights within the United Kingdom from a range of airlines including British Airways and EasyJet. Whether you fancy a weekend away or can’t bear the thought of a long and uncomfortable coach journey back to university, you can afford UK flights with our student travel deals.
International Flights
Planning a bigger trip? We offer cheap student flights to destinations all over the world. You can fly to Dubai, Australia, Thailand, and more with Emirates, to the USA, Canada, China, and more with Virgin Atlantic, or to destinations across Europe, South America, and Africa with British Airways, all with cheap student fares. With over 80 airlines to choose from, you’ll be spoilt for choice.
Round the World Flights
If you’re heading out on a gap year that’s going to keep you on the road for a long time, we offer specially designed flight combinations to help you visit the most iconic destinations in the world without a hitch. We can also help you create a custom itinerary based on your travel bucket list, all at great student prices.
Student Flights: It’s kind of our thing
Looking for cheap student flights? You’ve come to the right place! At StudentUniverse UK we’re dedicated to helping young people travel the world and have new experiences at the best possible prices. This page is your gateway to all our deals on student flights. All you have to do is sign up for a free membership so we can verify you’re a student. After that, whether you’re looking for a last minute weekend away, booking flights home for the holidays, or planning an epic backpacking trip around the world, our student flight deals can make it happen for you.